Church of Philadelphia
Representing over 33 countries, Church of Philadelphia is the entry-level education from AZD where he teaches the philosophies of his personal life that have made him so successful in business, seduction, and relationships. This daily mastermind will be your greatest $97 investment.
Church of Philadelphia

Live 10 am PST 6 d/wk Sunday - Monday

Time live 10 am pst every day 7/365

Learn confidence, focus, ambition, ethics, & lethal communication skills

Progress tracking
Track Progress our system saves your place where you leave off in the recordings

Tyler Pal
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Age 24
Musical Artist and aspiring full time record producer
Church of Philadelphia has dramatically improved my confidence, my ability to communicate, and my creativity. The philosophies we discuss in class continue to raise my consciousness every day. I have never felt stronger.

Chris Lopez
Los Angeles, CA
Age 30
Owner & Founder of a Financial Firm
AZD’s Church of Philadelphia has helped me improve my communication with men and women. I use these teachings every day in my dating life and my business. My income has increased by 77% in the last 12 months.
my confidence in myself is at an all-time high. My relationships have greatly improved. I feel incredible, and I’m only getting better and better by learning from AZD.

"Miracle" Jay Phillips
Phoenix, AZ
Age 30
Public Speaking Coach and Lyricist
Church of Philadelphia is the best program for a man to improve his mindset, relationships, health, business, and all-around lifestyle.
This mastermind has connected me with men worldwide and opened opportunities of a lifetime for me.

Jordan "Master MyCellf" Demari
Phoenix, AZ
Age 29
Security Professional, IMC Base Five Leader, Podcaster, & Eye-In-Paradise Technical Director
Church of Philadelphia has changed every waking moment of my reality. I have been integrating these technologies since the inception of this program and I have seen the evolution of this mastermind grow over the last two years and every day is entirely different. Jai guru dev to AZD and all the masters that came before him.

Eros Guzman
Las Vegas, NV
Age 31
Las Vegas Nightclub & Dayclub VIP Host / Promoter. Pick up and social dynamics
Church of Philadelphia is one of the most life-changing products I’ve ever invested in. Listening to AZD in Church of Philadelphia helped me improve my communication and mindset. In every teaching, you’ll find a golden piece of knowledge that changes me internally. For me, Church of Philadelphia isn’t just a product, but it’s a real mastermind group for men designed to level up my game in life.

Tre Milano
Portmore, Jamaica
Age 30
Teaches English to Non-English Speaking People and Musician
Church of Philadelphia has changed my life in ways I have no words for.
Church of Philadelphia has removed the thorns of thoughts, and I have had tremendous realizations and improvements in my life.

Johnny "Freedom Ranger" Muertter
San Jose, CA
Age 27
Political Petitioner & Campaign Manager
Joining Church of Philadelphia will expose you to communication technology you can’t afford to miss. No matter what position you find yourself in.
Joining this Mastermind is exactly what Napoleon Hill talks about in Think and Grow Rich.

Daniel Newberry
San Jose, CA
Age 30
Retail Store Manager & Heavy Metal Band Front Man
AZD consistently delivers high-level knowledge in an entertaining and informative way.
Since listening to Church of Philadelphia, I’ve become more confident with myself and with women, growing spiritually, mentally, and physically.

Alex Palacio
San Jose, CA
Age 28
Medical Sales Entrepreneur
The value that AZD provides is astronomical, and the teachings constantly evolve and get updated as time goes on, keeping things fresh and in current times.
This isn’t your ordinary knowledge that you can search up on youtube; it’s a whole entire lifestyle. The knowledge and lifestyle that AZD teaches through his own accumulated wisdom can’t be found anywhere else.

Sultan Parvanta
Campbell, CA
Age 26
Executive Director of IMC Royalty Management
I’ve been a part of Church of Philadelphia and IMC for over 2 years, and AZD’s depth of communication in his teaching has completely altered my character in ways I never imagined possible