
Featured E-Books of

IMC Base One

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The Lion's Den Book of Notes

Catch over 500 hours of high level lectures in a fraction of the time, from the world’s #1 relationship expert. 65 pages of notes by Chris De Vilbiss PhD captures the 9 month evolution of the philosophies and practices of the IMC Shapeshifting Warrior Stoic Fighting Monk. The Stoic Monk Process, for short called the Beast Process, was codified and made popular by AZD during the height of global lockdown in 2020 as a method for each man to become the hero he needed as a child, and to develop and carry an invincible character no matter what environment one finds themself in. 

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No FUXX Given E-Book

Sometimes called the Grimoire (magic book) of how to not give a fuck! This 65 page e-book contains more than one thousand one hundred (1,100) powerful quotes and teachings from the acclaimed podcast called “No FUXX Given” by Arash Zepar Dibazar; a relationship podcast about communication and mindset. This book of notes synthesizes hundreds of hours of podcast lectures into a handy daily guide to your mind and lifestyle for ages to come. 


The Sex Sutras of 9th Limb Yoga

49 powerful sutras (timeless truths) given to me by AZD in 2017 in Hollywood California. I was there for a Spring Equinox weekend training with AZD and Vince Kelvin and I had the fortune to gain immense and unforgettable “after-hours” experiences with Arash as well as with Bryan Casella and VK. This 25 page ebook tells the whole story [uncensored] and will change how you interact with men and women for the rest of your life. 

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Sunday Service E-Book

Prepare your brain cells for these notes from the renowned Sunday Service Podcast by Arash Zepar Dibazar. These 270+ bullet points will alter your perspectives towards relationships, spirituality, communication, and much more. Receive a 45 minute audio-book download and a 20 page PDF e-book download. Your attitude will be completely transformed by the end of this short book. 

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